Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Help With Utility Bills

If you need help paying your utility bills then the first bit of advice I can give is not to panic! Worse things happen, so don't bury your head in the sand and take some action!
A plan is what you need, and there a few things you can consider probably depending on how bad things are. Later in this article I'll tell you how you can get your bills paid for you, but first comes the shorter term fixes.

Fist of all you should phone your utility supplier and explain your situation. There may be something they can do to help. Remember they want your money, so are willing to work with you to get it rather than receive nothing at all. Leave things too late and they probably won't be as lenient, ring early and they will be more co-operative.


Secondly, there are grants available for people. Do a search on for "utility bill grant" and there are plenty of articles and web links to keep you going.

The above two pointers will not help completely in the long run. They only hold off the bills. Your next plan should be to reduce your bills or earn more money to pay them, or why not do both?
Reducing your utility bills can again be carried out easily on the web. There are plenty of comparison sites out there. A word of warning - some companies are listed on these comparison sites. The classic one of these is the Utiltiy Warehouse. The reason is that they do not pay these companies a percentage of the fee for the switch. The other reason is that they are a multiple provider and you can save more than the comparison sites can work out by taking more services with them.

Wholesale prices vary alot at the minute as well, so I would look for a deal that offers a guarantee against the major suppliers. One day one company may be the cheapest, but not on the next day. I recommend trying a couple of comparison web sites and then checking with the Utility Warehouse before deciding on the best deal for you.

To earn more money may mean starting a home based business with small outlay, or taking another job. either way, it's better than being cut off! The Utility Warehouse offer a scheme where you can get your utility bills discounted by recommending friends and family to their services if your are happy to do so. You maximum discount is 100%, so you can't earn more than your bills, but you can add additional services.
I would expect more and more companies to offer this as an option so keep an eye out.

Help With Utility Bills

You can find out more about reducing your utility bills or gaining discounts on your bill from my website []


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