Saturday, November 26, 2011

Washington County Fair in Rhode Island

The Washington County Fair takes place every year around August 16-20 in the tiny state of Rhode Island. One of the biggest draws to this fair is its concerts showcasing many of today's Country Music stars. Plus for the visitors there's no extra charge, the cost of the concerts are included in the ticket price. Visitors also get to see the tractor and truck pulls free and they can enjoy a nighttime fireworks display courtesy of the fair organizers.

If you are a hobbyist you'll be interested in the competitive hobbies exhibits. Yes, collectables enthusiasts bring in all the stuff they've accumulated over the years and arrange it for a unique and interesting display in their booth. There are divisions in collectable cars, ships, planes and even spaceships. Visitors can swing by their favorite booth and talk shop with a fellow hobbyist for the day.


Another competitive exhibit at the fair is the baking contest. This is unique because contestants are required to bake something from a required recipe each year. It could be Pineapple Bread or Cinnamon Buns, but whoever bakes the best and closest to the recipe is the winner.

Visitors that want to 'ooh' and 'aw' over cute baby animals should check out the Jr. Animals division of the Junior Dairy Show. You can see heifer calves from the Holstein, Guernsey, Jersey Shorthorn and the Brown Swiss breeds with their big wet noses and long awkward little legs.

Speaking of Cows visitors have the chance to enter the annual Dung Throwing Contest. Take careful aim and throw a piece of dried cow dung as far as you can into the ring. If you win you can pick up a few bucks, cash that is.

There's also the Seed Spitting Contest where visitors can demonstrate their spitting power and skill by sending a Watermelon Seed flying. Don't worry about being out powered by someone bigger as there are three divisions for men, women and kids. Winners get some cash and a special seed spitting trophy.

Washington County Fair in Rhode Island

Gail Leino is known throughout the internet world as Mrs. Party. She has become the internet's leading authority on selecting the best possible party supplies with clever themes. Her simple party planning approach demostrates how to use proper manners while teaching etiquette with organizational skills. She shares lots of interesting fun facts. See travel vacations for more tips and holiday spot destinations.


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