Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What Does the Future Hold For CNA Jobs?

CNA jobs are in high demand and this demand is expected to grow through the year 2014. The elderly population is growing and due to the baby boomers getting older and the advancements in health care that allows them to live longer. Therefore, more and more people are needing long term nursing care.


However, before you decide that you are going to become a CNA, there are a few things you need to consider. This type of job is not for everyone. It takes a special type of person to work in this profession. Read on to discover some of the traits you have to possess if you want to make it as a Certified Nursing Assistant.



This is an important trait to have when you are a CNA. You will be dealing with all types of personalities and health conditions. It will take an elderly person a lot longer to do certain things. For example, when I worked as a nursing assistant, I had to feed a patient that chewed each bite of her food thirty five times. The problem was she was on a pureed diet so everything was baby food consistency. However, she still insisted on chewing it thirty five times before swallowing it. Needless to say, it took a lot of patience to feed her each meal. This is just one type of idiosyncrasy you will encounter as a nursing assistant.


It is important that you feel compassion for those less fortunate than you. You want to be able to treat them kindly and with the respect they deserve. However, there is a fine line you must draw. You must be able to be compassionate, but you can't get too emotionally attached to your patients. Your elderly patients will pass away, and you have to be able to handle death without it effecting you emotionally. It is okay to cry, but you can't let it put you into a depression.

A Strong Stomach

This is very important. You will be subjected to some of the worst sites and smells imaginable. Your job is to clean up patients that have soiled themselves, have urinated on themselves and those that have vomited. Some elderly patients will have bedsores. These sores can become so bad that the bone will be exposed. This can be very hard to look at and the smell is horrid. These are just a few examples of the sites and smells you will experience when working as a nursing assistant. If you are the type that vomits easily, this may not be the job for you.

Physically Fit

CNA jobs require a lot of walking, bending, stooping and lifting. You have got to be able to perform these duties without risk of injuring yourself. If you have back trouble or any other type of physical problems, you may not be able to do this job. If you have any health problems at all, you should talk with your doctor before you invest time in a CNA training program.

As you can see, CNA jobs are in high demand. But you need to make sure you are suited for this type of work.

What Does the Future Hold For CNA Jobs?

If you are interested in CNA jobs and would like to find more information on CNA Training, visit CNA Training Classes.


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