Saturday, October 8, 2011

Bible Study Lessons - An Object Lesson For Your Sunday School Class

Object lessons are fantastic ways to clarify a point to your children's liturgy. There may be times when a student (or more than one, more likely) doesn't fully understand the Bible study lesson. He or she needs something they see day-to-day to relate the Bible lesson to. This is where this object lesson comes into play.

Cell Phone Sunday School Lesson


The theme of this Bible study lesson is that we can contact God anytime we want to, wherever we are and whatever time it happens to be.

At the start of the Sunday school lesson, hold up a cell phone and ask your children's liturgy students if they have ever used one. Ask them where they were and what time of day it was when they used a cell phone. You'll likely receive a multitude of responses; cell phones are certainly common these days. Next, share with your students where and when you have used your cell phone.

Now ask your Sunday school class if they can call just any number in order to reach your phone. The answer is no; a person would have to know what your phone number is. Explain that God wants us to call on Him; He wants it so badly that he gave us his number. Now read Romans 10:12-13 to show where this is portrayed in the Bible.

Explain to the class that God's phone number is J-E-S-U-S. We can't use just any number to contact God. As it is said in both Romans 10:9-10 and John 14:6, Jesus Christ is the only way for us to reach God. We must accept his salvation into our hearts. Once we know Jesus, God has given us the okay (particularly in Jeremiah 29:12) to call on Him anytime and anywhere we want.

Wrapping Up the Cell Phone Bible Lesson

In closing, reinforce the Bible study lesson by explaining that we can have a cell phone, and we can even know someone's number, but until we actually dial the numbers on the phone, we'll never be able to get in touch with that person. It's the same way with God. It's our choice to call on Him, and in order to reach Him, we must act on that choice. He is available to anyone at anytime and anywhere.

Bible Study Lessons - An Object Lesson For Your Sunday School Class

Mary-Kate Warner is the publisher of Christianity Cove, the web's #1 resource for Bible Study lessons crafts, games, and ideas for teachers.

Over 2,823 churches from across the United States and around the world have used her lesson plans to revitalize their Children's Ministry programs and fill their classrooms with eager students. Visit her website today for a free Sunday School teaching video:


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