By definition, felonies are crimes in which if a person is convicted he or she will serve more than one year in state prison or more than two and a half years in federal prison. A convicted felon is someone is was tried in a courtroom or plead guilty to a serious crime such as rape, murder, aggravated assault, burglary, embezzlement, drug dealing (or drug use in some cases), kidnapping, battery, arson and many others.
If you are needing to find out if an employee, potential employee or someone else you know has been convicted of a felony, there are several ways you can search on the Internet today. Let's discuss them.
The first way is to run a person's name in one of the many online sex offender databases. Federal law now requires anyone convicted of a sex felony to register with the local police and these registrations are picked up on various websites. A few of the popular places to search for sex offender records include national sites like FamilyWatchdog, local newspapers and television websites and government or county websites.
If the person you are searching did not commit a sex related crime, then he or she will not be listed in sex offender databases. You will need to search another way for other types of records. The most common way is to use an online background check website. You will simply provide the person's first and last name, last known address and any other information you may have and it will search databases all over to retrieve the data. Most felonies are listed on a person's background report.
A final way to conduct a felony record search is to contact an online private investigation firm like Abika or Best People Search and pay them to do the felony records search for you. This will be more expensive than the other options, but will be guaranteed to be successful.
Felony Records Search - How to Find People Convicted of Felonies on the Internet
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