You have eight classes to choose from when you are playing World of Warcraft but how are you going to decide which class that you want to create a character? Of course, each class has its own benefits and disadvantages and you will have to understand each and every one of it before you decide, if possible.
So, the classes available are rogues, warriors, warlocks, hunters, shamans, paladins, priests and mages. Rogues is possibly the best class for some players. The reason is because Rogues kill mob faster than any other classes. As such, you get to level faster.
Warriors would be the best tanks and if you want some adventure, pick this class. Warriors are great in PvP especially if you are a caster. However, they normally kill real slow especially when you are at low levels. So, to kill faster, you will need to level your character to higher levels.
Normally, first character would be a Hunter. Hunters have companion (i.e. pet) and so they hardly die unless if they are being ganked. If you hate dull character, do not pick Hunter as your character class. Personally, I do feel that Hunter is too dull compared to other character classes.
Warlocks are also great for characters because you get pets at different levels. Warlocks are much fun compared to Hunter and kill faster too. They have better DPS pets at different levels so look out for the pets you can get if you pick Warlocks.
Shamans get great DPS class at higher levels. Other than that, Shamans are also great for PvP or PvE. Although you will find that Shamans level slowly and kill rather slow as well but they can heal based on their talent build. This is their specialty.
Being priests, you level slow but there is nothing to be disappointed about after all you need priests to heal everyone in intances. Priests leveling is easy but killing will take a long time. Still, you can cast many healing spells even when you are fighting.
Now that you have known the properties of each character classes, it is time to make your pick based on your interests and goal in playing World of Warcraft.
Paladins are great in almost everything. They are also being feared by most of the other classes. However, if you are a Paladin, you can AoE and stay alive to tell the story. You can DPS and tank while healing at the same time. Paladins are simply powerful in every way.
Best Character Class in World of Warcraft
Learn about playing World of Warcraft and get information about the Flight Paths that can help you to master the game in World of Warcraft.
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