A CNA salary on average usually is about ,900 in the USA yearly. The average wage per hour for employees is about .01 this is according to the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Employment Statistics as of May in 2009. This average wage, can differ depending on your location of work, and who your employee is.
The experience of the certified nursing assistant can vary in accordance, and this can depend on your employer, as well as your location. For a certified nursing assistant, the top earners are the ones with the most experience, and are in the 90 percentile will earn roughly around ,900 for a year's salary, while a certified nursing assistant who is the bottom 10 percent can earn anywhere in the average of ,500 for a yearly salary.
In May 2009, the average salary earning for nursing assistants in the United States was ,900, and this was reported by the BLS. A pay scale survey showed that 20,900 people in this industry found that pay for nurse assistants would range from anywhere between ,800 to ,000.
For nursing assistants in the area of Kansas City had the highest on the average CNA salary of ,470 amongst those in the metropolitan area of Missouri; next it was St. Louis where the average was ,100 for the of May 2009. However, the lowest salary was Jefferson City, where the average earning assistant would be paid per year ,300, and in Joplin, the assistants would get ,640 a year.
The location of where your employed can also have a bearing on how much money is made, and on what your employers feel you should earn. If your living in the state of Alaska, the CNA salary on average is about ,300, while those that live in the state of Mississippi can earn a yearly average wage of ,600. Those who are employed in the area of San Francisco metropolitan area will earn an average wage of ,390, and for a CNA who, works in the area of Lewiston, or Idaho metropolitan area will earn a yearly wage of ,100.
If you've been employed in a nursing home, then your average wage will be ,000. For those who work in the hospitals ,500. For CNA who work in a university can earn up to ,300 per year.
What Is The Average CNA Salary?
For more great information about CNA Training & Certification we have a range of great tools and resources on our website http://certifiednursesassistantcenter.com.
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